Are you interested in owning a digital camera? Yesterday, I window-shopped several supermarket in a city. My eyes focused on this small and cute digital camera in one of the showcases.
- 12.1 Mega Pixels
- 3.7 Optical Zoom
- 2.5" LCD Display Pure Color
- ISO 1600
- Optical Image Stabilizer
- Multi-face Detection
- Crystal Clear Image
- Titanium Casing
- High Speed USB 2.0 Rate Connectivity
- Optional Accessories: Water Proof Casing WP-DC19
- Retail Price: RM1699/=
At the moment, I just survey around and hopefully will get a good one soon. Even though we also in charge of the purchasing like computer, camera, printers and other IT goods or related instrumentation field device, but this is for my personal used and not for my work at office or power plant.
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